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WordPress: Yoast SEO

SEO Plugins

Search engines are a huge source of traffic for most websites, meaning SEO plugins for WordPress sites are hugely useful as they help attract more traffic.  It is an easy way for beginners to begin to improve the SEO of their site.

Installing Plugins

If you are unsure of how to install SEO plugins or any plugins then you can simply follow our guide here.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is the most downloaded SEO plugin on the market, and for a reason.  It has a large range of features and is also free and very easy to configure making it perfect for beginners.  Whenever creating a new post or page on your website, Yoast SEO will provide you with a powerful content analysis tool to help you optimize it.  Just below the post editor, you will find Yoast SEO metabox with a snippet preview, focus keyword field, and content analysis.

Yoast seo

Entering focus keyword in Yoast SEO will allow the plugin to analyse your content for that particular keyword.  It suggests things you can do to improve the SEO of your post, such as the length of your sentences, meta description and what you title the post.

You can also write a custom title for your main site, archives, category and tag pages. It also adds Open Graph metadata, Twitter Cards, Sitemaps and ping search engines whenever you update your site.

Updated on 16th November 2018

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